VASER– short for vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance- is a liposuction technology designed to enhance body-contouring results. With liposuction, surgeons utilize suction pressure to precisely remove fat deposits in the least invasive ways possible. Before the fat removal aspect of the procedure, VASER probes serve to loosen fat deposits from the surrounding connective tissues, facilitating more precise results that promote a speedier recovery for patients. VASER accomplishes this with the power of ultrasound energy that converts to controlled thermal energy within the subcutaneous tissues. By applying VASER, surgeons can prioritize safer liposuction techniques and even accentuate muscle definition.

At Denver Liposuction Speciality Clinic, our surgeons are leading body contouring experts with in-depth knowledge of how VASER works on a cellular level. We pride ourselves in offering high-quality liposuction procedures that effectively help patients achieve their dream bodies.

To learn more about VASER liposuction, and to find out how it can benefit you, call our clinic in Denver at (720) 372-2155 or request your consultation through our contact form. Our staff will be sure to answer any immediate questions you may have and handle your aesthetic concerns with care and professionalism.

Before and After Photos

Tumescent Liposuction Techniques

Liposuction removes excess fat from specific areas of the body, resulting in improved body contours and enhanced overall appearance. It targets stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise, and is a valuable tool to help patients attain a slimmer, smoother silhouette in the following areas:

During a liposuction procedure, surgeons only need to make incisions of less than an inch (usually between 1 to 1.5 cm in size) to access the fat layer just beneath the skin. (1) With more advanced techniques, surgeons can now utilize fewer incisions than ever to treat larger areas. Before removing the pockets of fat, they administer a wetting solution called tumescent fluid. This fluid contains saline to engorge the fat cells, epinephrine to constrict blood vessels and prevent bleeding, and lidocaine to further numb the subcutaneous tissues. The surgeon can efficiently remove the fat using a thin suction instrument called a cannula, sculpting the tissue with back-and-forth motions throughout the treatment area.

While tumescent fluid makes the procedure much safer, oftentimes, larger concentrations of blood and other fluids are removed in the process during traditional liposuction without VASER. Although the fat is relatively prepared for removal, surgeons must still use more strenuous movements to sculpt the targeted regions, increasing the amount of bruising and downtime for patients.

How is VASER Different?

VASER mitigates several side effects while allowing surgeons to highlight a more toned look, especially with VASER Hi-Def techniques. The device also allows them to reach both deep and superficial deposits of fat. Surgeons do not omit the use of tumescent fluid with VASER liposuction, but ultrasound technology gently breaks down the bonds between fat tissues in a few different ways.

VASER Cavitates Tumescent Fluid

VASER probes break up fat deposits from their surrounding tissues through a process called cavitation. This creates tiny spaces between the tumescent fluid molecules injected into the subcutaneous fat. (2) As a result, the fluid can only enter larger spaces (larger than 5 microns) between clusters of fat called globules. With this intricate process at play, VASER efficiently separates the targeted fat from muscle fascia, blood vessels, nerves, lymph vessels, and skin. This mechanism means surgeons do not have to solely rely on the engorgement of fat cells from tumescent fluid to prepare these deposits for removal. Surgeons also find it more efficient to physically sculpt away these pockets of fat due to these changes at a cellular level.

VASER Decreases Fat Globule Size

VASER invokes a process called acoustic streaming in which separate fat globules continue to interact with the ultrasound energy after cavitation. After this prolonged exposure to the ultrasound, the fat globules decrease in size from 4 mm to roughly 1 mm. Surgeons can further amplify this process by using a liposuction technique called compression coupling. For this technique, surgeons simply place pressure on the tissues and use their non-dominant hand to guide fat deposits toward the suction cannula, increasing the efficiency of the procedure.

VASER Hi-Def: Attaining Muscular Definition

VASER Hi-Def can highlight the definition of underlying muscles. This process is made much easier with the higher level of precision that VASER allows. The technique can also serve to work against “starling forces”- small amounts of pressure from muscle and lymph tissue that can pull fat away from the VASER probe or cannula. Patients can attain sculpted abdominal muscles, a more masculine chest, or even accentuate the thighs or upper arms.

Who is a Candidate for VASER Liposuction?

Candidates for VASER liposuction include all patients who would qualify for standard tumescent liposuction but want the benefits of the most advanced fat-removing treatment available. Ideal candidates for the procedure are healthy men and women who are relatively close to their ideal weight but are looking to contour stubborn bulges of fat they have not been able to target through diet and exercise. VASER will produce the most optimal results in people who have healthy and youthful skin that will be able to retract to the slimmer contours post-procedure. Patients who want to create more definition to their upper arms, abdomen, chest, or upper back can greatly benefit from VASER Hi-Def.

Personal Consultation

During your consultation at Denver Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we will ask you about your expectations for VASER and review with you the more detailed differences between tumescent liposuction and VASER. We will assess your primary areas of concern, ensuring that your skin is healthy and elastic enough to create optimal results. You should come prepared with questions regarding your procedure and recovery, and we will make sure to give you comprehensive and informative answers. Finally, we will go over your personal medical history to make sure you are in good overall health with no underlying conditions that need addressing. We will provide you with a treatment plan that takes into consideration your personal aesthetic goals.

To get started today, call our practice in Denver at (720) 372-2155, or inquire online, and we will work with you to find a time and date that aligns with your schedule.


Preparing for VASER liposuction or any type of liposuction is an essential part of ensuring that the procedure goes smoothly. Your surgeon will review your current supplements and prescriptions and advise you to stop taking blood thinners that can increase bruising and bleeding risk. If you smoke cigarettes or use any nicotine-based product, you should quit for the duration of your treatment and throughout your recovery. The chemicals in these products can impede blood circulation and slow down your recovery. You should also make an extra effort to stay hydrated and eat healthily to get your body working in optimal shape. Finally, make arrangements with a family member or friend who can take you home and help you during the first couple of days post-procedure.

Procedure Steps

Our surgeons perform all VASER procedures on an outpatient basis, meaning that you will get to go home on the same day. We will first administer local anesthesia with a sedative medication, so you will be completely comfortable and relaxed. Your surgeon will make 1 or 2 tiny incisions in the treatment area and place skin protectors around the incisions to block thermal energy from reaching the surface of the skin. Next, they will administer tumescent fluid and place the probe just under the skin, using violin-like motions to administer ultrasound throughout the subcutaneous region. They will then suction the loosened fat deposits with a cannula, creating a customized look according to your aesthetic desires. If you are looking for a more muscular result, your surgeon will carefully preserve specific areas of fat to accentuate muscle tone. After your surgeon closes your incisions, they will continue to monitor you as the anesthesia gradually wears off.

Recovery and Results

Patients typically only need about 1 week of downtime before they go back to work. During this time, you may experience soreness, swelling, and bruising in the area. Still, with VASER, you can expect a quicker, more comfortable recovery than if you were to opt for standard liposuction. (3) Your surgeon can provide you with prescription medications to help you handle the discomfort, or you can choose to take doctor-approved OTC medications.

Though you will be feeling better within a few days, you should continue to avoid any strenuous activity for at least 3 weeks. Light walks, however, will be conducive to your recovery. Over the next few months, your results will gradually settle, the swelling will recede, and you will enjoy a slimmer, rejuvenated figure. You should schedule a follow-up appointment with your surgeon to find out when it is safe to return to the gym. Although the fat cells will not grow back, keep in mind that weight gain is possible since remaining fat deposits can grow and shrink with such fluctuations. Therefore, a healthy diet and regular exercise are essential to maintain your results.

Cost of VASER Liposuction in Denver

The cost of VASER liposuction will greatly depend on the extent of your procedure, anesthesia costs, follow-up appointments, prescribed medications, and other surgical fees. We will provide personalized guidance and a total cost estimate during your consultation appointment. We invite you to schedule your free consultation by calling our Denver practice at (720) 372-2155 or by reaching out through our contact form today. If you are interested in learning about our other minimally invasive liposuction options, please read more on our blog. We cannot wait to help you attain transformative effects and renewed body confidence with VASER.


  1. Venkataram, Jayashree. “Tumescent Liposuction: A Review.” Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery, vol. 1, no. 2, 2008, p. 49,
  2. da Silva, Rodrigo Marcel Valentim, et al. “Effects of Ultracavitation and Radiofrequency on Abdominal Adiposity.” The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, vol. 15, no. 1, 1 Jan. 2022, pp. E66–E71,
  3. Ruff PG, Garcia O, Nykiel M, Galanis CJ. Consensus-based Recommendations for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance Ultrasound-assisted Liposuction. Plastic and reconstructive surgery Global open. 2023;11(7):e5110-e5110. doi: 
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